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Sick of Emails? Now you can choose to not receive any for your approval.

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Email can be a contentious topic at the best if times and if you start getting peppered with the same thing day in day out it can really make the blood boil. Fortunately, here at Approval Donkey we have just released functionality that means we won’t to responsible for boiling anyone’s blood. So now you can choose to NOT receive any approval requests via Email. To do this go to the ‘Setting’s page (select the ‘gear’ icon next to your email) and un-tick the box ‘Receive Emails for New Requests’

If you do choose to not receive any requests via email you will only be able to approve or decline requests by logging into Approval Donkey. Because you won’t get any notification of an outstanding request we would recommend you choose to receive the Digest Email Report at a frequency of your choice. This report is a consolidated view of activity on your account including any Pending and Overdue requests you may have, so you don’t miss anything important.

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